Meditations for Sunrise & Sunset
I used to teach a course called Ease Hunting: Six Weeks of Discovering Every Exhale. The program included lessons, live calls, an ease scavenger hunt, expert interviews, and two guided audio meditations all aimed at supporting the hunters in discovering an easeful way of being, no matter what life was throwing their way. It was truly beautiful. One participant described it as "A yoga class for your mind."
I used to teach a course called Ease Hunting: Six Weeks of Discovering Every Exhale. The program included lessons, live calls, an ease scavenger hunt, expert interviews, and two guided audio meditations all aimed at supporting the hunters in discovering an easeful way of being, no matter what life was throwing their way. It was truly beautiful. One participant described it as "A yoga class for your mind."
The Ease Hunting course isn't offered anymore but each of us continues to seek ease in our own ways. In support of your hunt I'm sharing the two Ease Hunting meditations. These recordings, one for morning and one for evening, are simple 10 minute opportunities to recenter and rest. They were among the Ease Hunters favorite parts of their experience. Here are a few of their words:
"I've been using the PM mediation every day, and I'm going to keep using it. I loved that I could download the meditations onto my phone. That made it easy to listen to them on the go and also as I was falling asleep. Doing 15 minutes every day has definitely impacted my ease levels."
"I liked having the meditations as a go-to if I needed them...when I did need them, they were both helpful and I'm grateful to have them as a tool in my toolbox. There was one morning in particular where I was fretting, and I said "ah, we have a tool for this: AM meditation." I did it, and the fretting subsided and made way for some ease."
If you're needing a little more ease in your life or a supportive, simple way to start and end your day, here is my gift to you.